Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated beverages put your body in acidic state which puts you are risk for sickness. Carbonated beverages also leach calcium from your bones.
Carbonation is the leading cause of osteoporosis in the United State.
Carbonated beverages are very acidic.
They are so acidic that they measure 2 on the pH scale. A pH of 7 is neutral
(neither acidic nor alkaline) and everyone point change in the pH measurement is a 10 increase or decrease in acidity Blood must be 7.35 and 7.45 (slightly alkaline) for the red blood cells to properly carry oxygen to cells. A blood pH of just 7.2 is life threatening.
After consuming a carbonated beverage much of the liquid goes almost directly into the blood stream. This tends to make the blood less alkaline. The body will react as quickly as possible using various methods to bring the blood back to its ideal pH level. For example the body will take calcium from the bones or use other alkaline fluids in the body to neutralize the acid.
Carbonated beverages are so acidic that it takes one gallon of water to neutralize an 8 ounce can of soda. Bone loss is a first obvious negative result of carbonated drinks.
Since drinking carbonation makes your body acidic, that’s the environment for bacteria to grow and have inflammation.
Gout is developed when your blood is acidic. Crystals form in the blood with uric acid. You can feel gout first in your toes and joints and it can be very painful to walk. Drink less or no carbonation can help eliminate Gout.
You might remember high school chemistry when the teacher took a tooth (calcium) and placed it in a carbonated drink. The next day it was gone. The acid in the soda dissolved the tooth. The same thing happens within our bodies.
Gary Rumel, Physiologist
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