Sunday, April 8, 2012

Body Fat

 Body Fat

There are all kinds of theories about body fat and what's the right percentage for a person. Here are some basic guidelines that I go by. I try to keep it simple.
Heart Problems based on body fat.

Athletic 4-15% low risk for heart problems
Optimal 10-17% low risk for heart problems
Borderline17-19% high risk for heart problems
Over Fat 20+% you are going to have a heart attack

Athletic 12-20% low risk for heart problems
Optimal 15-25% low risk for heart problems
Borderline26-29% high risk for heart problems
Over Fat 30+% you are going to have a heart attack

If you see fat on the outside of the body, imagine how much fat is on the inside of the body. I wounder if any organs are being resisted by all that extra fat?

Some women who are below 12% body fat lose their menstrual cycle, their hair falls out and their skin turns grey. I don’t think that’s healthy or attractive do you?

With body fat, ask yourself the following questions, “Do I feel healthy?” “Do I like the way I look?”  If you can say yes to these questions mostly likely you are at the right body fat percentage.

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

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