Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Taken from Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean cookbook.

 “Coconut oil is also called coconut butter. Don’t confuse this with cocoa butter, they are not the same thing at all. Cocoa butter comes from the cocoa (think chocolate) plant. Coconut butter or oil comes from processing the meat from the mature brown coconut. The meat is removed from the ripe nut and shredded. Under specific pressing conditions, the oil filters out. Coconut oil and coconut butter are the same thing. The buttery from turns to a clear liquid when heated. Coconut oil is value by chefs for its heat stability along with it delicious taste and pleasurable texture.

There are numerous health benefits from adding coconut oil to your diet. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are the healthy ones that are readily converted to energy by the body, so this is a much needed healthy fat. Although coconut oil has been charged with increasing cholesterol, this is far from true. Coconut oil contains no cholesterol and better yet, has the ability to reduce cholesterol. For the sugar addicted among us, coconut oil is a must! Consuming the valuable oil regularly will help you shed the toxic addiction to sugar and its destructive effects on the body. Anyone with a big-time sugar habit knows what cravings are all about. Consuming coconut helps chase craving away and goes one step further by stabilizing digestive hormones so you are not constantly hungry. Coconut oil even has a positive effect on metabolism, boosting a formerly sluggish rate to a more active one. I don’t have to spell out what that means for this interested in weight loss.”

When buying coconut butter or oil, make sure you get cold pressed, you get more nutritional value. I have found it to be very tasty when I cook fish, chicken and vegetables.

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

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