Thursday, April 5, 2012

Healthy Eating Guidelines

Healthy Eating Guidelines

These are recommended healthy eating guidelines. I’m not a nutritionist, but I have just read a lot of books on nutrition and know what works for me and many of my clients. These are a few guidelines that I like to follow that help me to become healthier.  I’m sure there are many other guidelines you can add to this list. 

Before you eat something ask yourself, “Do I want my body to process the food I am about to eat?” Just asking this question helps me make better healthy choices.    

Remember a serving is about the size of a deck of cards.  
Only drink water. I like to add a slice of lemon to my water. Water flushes the toxins out off your body. There’s too much sugar in juice and alcohol. Get your sugar from fruits and vegetables. Don’t drink your calories.
Eat fiber. Fiber cleans out your intestines and decreases inflammation in your body.

Always have a protein with a carbohydrate. This will control the insulin response and have less sugar spikes in your blood. This will help you to not wear out your pancreas and risk getting diabetes.

Always eat raw fresh fruits and vegetables with every meal. Besides being loaded with vitamins and minerals they have live enzymes which help you to digest the proteins and carbohydrates you eat form breads, sugars and grains for maximum absorption of nutrients.  It’s recommended that you have at least 5 servings each of vegetables and fruits a day.

Always think fresh fruits and vegetables, never canned or packaged. Canned fruits are too high in sugar. Canned vegetables are too high in salt.

Potatoes and pastas are starchy and sticky in your digestive system.

Never eat deep fried anything. It’s clogging your arteries and it may cause you to have a heart attack some day.
Try not to eat past 7 pm.  Your body has to work too hard to process the food rather than using the energy to get a good night’s sleep. If you eat too close to bedtime you will not get a good night’s sleep. You need deep REM sleep each night. You should wake up every morning refreshed and full of energy. Your body needs rest to build and recover.

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

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