Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Cure for Unhealthy is Healthy

The Cure for Unhealthy is Healthy  

I truly believe the cure for being unhealthy is getting healthy.  Even small changes can make big differences.  Review you lifestyle and see what three things you can change to improve your health. Make those three changes and work on them for a month or two. See how much better you feel.    Once you have incorporated those changes in your life choose three more.  Move forward with small changes and it will be amazing what a difference a year will make.

Here is a checklist of some things you can do for your body

  • Go to a medicine doctor, he will give you medicine
  • Go to a surgeon, he will do surgery
  • Go to a physical therapist, he will get you functional    
  • Go to a chiropractor, he will adjust your joints
  • Go to a nutritionist, he will teach you about nutrition
  • Go to a massage therapist, he will give you a massage
  • Go to a dentist, he will work on your teeth
  • Go to Fitworks Corrective Therapy, to increase your flexibility and build specific muscle groups to line up and stabilize your joints for perfect posture and function
What do you want to do?  What’s best for your overall health? What will make you feel better long term? You do have choices.

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

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