Sunday, April 8, 2012

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety

You can beat this without medication, I did!

1st Make a list of all the great things people have said about you. Keep it close to you, so you can turn to it at anytime. When you feel an attack of anxiety coming on, read all the great things about yourself. Cut all the negative things out of your life. You have to get positive!

2nd Make a list of positive quotes and statements you can read that will lift you up. Put your mind in a positive state.

3rd Find a very close someone that you can call at anytime for a positive up lift. Set this up in advance and tell them that when you call you’re having an anxiety attack and you need their positive reinforcement, upliftment and encouragement.

4th Dream big! Design your life. Dream of what you want out of life. Examples: physically, spiritually, mentally, socially, and economically. List 5 things.

5th Manifest your dreams into a vision. To do it you have to see it, feel it, think it, walk it, talk it, clam it, and it will be yours!

6th Make a plan on how to accomplish it. Set goals, make a map, and decide what steps you need to take to accomplish your DREAMS. List daily tasks as well as weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. Go long term, think up to five years.   

 7th  Exercise every day for one hour. Do the things you like to do. Maybe just get out and walk. Have fun. Stretch your body for ½ hour. Enjoy this and take your time for you. You will love this.

8th Get a massage every week by someone you can trust so you can relax and let go.

 9th Eat clean and control the portion size of your food.  Each meal should be the size of your fist, which is the size of your stomach. 

Follow these steps and the anxiety will go away. There maybe times that you’re having an anxiety attack every minute, then every five minutes then every 15 minutes. This will decrease and get down to every 30 minutes, then every 1 hour, then daily, then to weekly, to monthly to yearly. Then one day you will notice that your anxiety attacks are gone!

I know! Someone or something close to you turned your world upside down. Hang on and you can turn it right side up and move on and build an even better life for yourself. I know this because this has happened to me.  

You don’t need medications!
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

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