Sunday, August 26, 2012

What’s in Your Shampoo and Soap?

Hidden deep within all those words you can’t pronounce on the ingredients label of your shampoo bottle is a host of chemicals known as “xenoestrogens”.  These are synthetic forms of the female hormone estrogen but, unlike natural estrogen, these chemical-based “mutant estrogens” are very difficult for your body to dispose of.  Instead, they’re trapped away in your fat cells and disrupt the natural balance of male hormones and female as well.

The results can be symptoms like increased body fat (especially in the chest area, commonly known as gynocomastia or “man boobs”), lower sex driveloss of muscle tissue, and even sexual problems like erectile dysfunction (E.D.).
So what can you do about it?

Avoid These Ingredients
Pull out your shampoo bottle and/or soap and look for these common testosterone-destroying or estrogen enhanced ingredients

Parabens – Parabens are in 90% of all personal care products and are used as a preservative to increase the shelf life of shampoos and conditioners.  Studies have shown a direct link between paraben exposure and low-testosterone (and even breast cancer). Get rid of any shampoo with an ingredient that ends in “–paraben” (such as methylparaben,butylparaben, and so on).

Sulfates – You’ll find that most shampoos contain an ingredient such as “Sodium Lauryl Sulfate” and “Sodium Laureth Sulfate”.  These are responsible for that thick lather of foam you’re programmed to believe is responsible for cleaning your hair.  They’re also the same ingredient used in car engine degreasers and car-wash soap foams.  But on your head, these sulfates quickly enter your bloodstream and have been linked to everything from excessive estrogen load to malformation of the eyes in children.  Chuck them in the trash!

Propylene Glycol and Polyethylene Glycol – These common “organic” alcohols are used in everything from antifreeze to oven cleaners… and as a fragrance stabilizer for shampoos and lotions.  Unfortunately, they tend to break down the structure of your cells to allow rapid absorption of the other xenoestrogens in your shampoo for a shotgun blast of female hormones straight into your bloodstream.

Here are some additional tips for buying shampoo:
  • Shop at a store that carefully takes care of the selection process for you when stocking their shelves.  Any Whole Foods or similar store should do.  You can also search online for natural shampoos. 
  • Just because your shampoo says “Organic” on the front label, doesn’t mean it isn’t guilty of harboring toxic chemicals.  This is a common scam used by greedy hair product companies to fool you into overlooking their estrogen-loaded shampoos and conditioners.  Read the ingredients anyway!
  • Don’t fall prey to believing that you need thick suds to clean your hair.  You don’t!  Natural shampoos don’t lather up like more commercial brands because they don’t contain the toxic foaming agents you want to stay away from.  Your hair will still get clean without the bubbles and you’ll protect your manhood in the process.
Reducing your exposure to estrogen is important, but frankly our environment is flooded with estrogen hormones.  it’s in everything from plastics to our food supply and list is too long to go into here.
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitwoworks Corrective Therapy